The Chef

“A” hAppy new yeAr?

The New Year’s celebration for me has always been a bittersweet one.  I am  a proponent of the cycles of life based on one’s own birthday.  That’s why I celebrate birthdays to the fullest, a new outlook on the year beginning from that point.  To pick January 1st and celebrate the date as important?  Well, let’s just say I’m glad for those who want to celebrate it and will gladly play along.

This particular holiday brought about anxiety for me because I had, yet again, another appointment at the DOH on Monday, January 3rd.  What a way to start off the New Year!  I was ready for the worst, based on my previous encounters and fines ($3000.00 and counting), even though I had good defenses for the majority of the violations, and had corrected what was asked of me.

This time around I had an afternoon appointment for which I showed up fifteen minutes early for.  The room seemed half empty, as opposed to the madhouse it normally is, with owners complaining and overworked, understaffed workers moving at a frenetic pace.  Maybe the lack of attendance was due to the proximity to the first.  Perhaps owners postponed their appointments to avoid the inevitable, too early in 2011. Fines.

I kept a calm attitude, reading about Colonel Roosevelt by Edmund Morris and listening to Nina Simone on the IPod.  Before I got in a groove, my name was called by a judge (only a 1.5 hour wait), and I knew from first glance that this woman was gentle and fair, unlike my previous experiences, when I could tell I was doomed from the start.

I was ready to say my peace when she turned on that tape recorder the DOH uses to CYA.  But the judge smiled and was ready to address the first violation when I switched my strategy.  I decided to ask her several questions regarding my inspections and the rules for visits, and she happily whipped out documentation and answered my questions to the best of her ability.  Her patience really shone through, and I believed that I might actually get a fair shake.

We went through each violation and got stuck on one violation which turns out does not count towards points against me.  The particular issue is over the bread I receive from Tomcat bakery for the restaurant.  As per DOH regulation, nutritional information must accompany products that may be made with trans fats from outside sources.  No points, but a violation and a sure fine.  The judge offered me the opportunity to bring this info the next time around so the violation could be dismissed.  I agreed and we adjourned.  I suddenly realized that when I returned I would sit in front of a different judge, and I almost leaped out of my seat.  Whoa!  No way, I said, let’s finish this process now.  In my mind, under no circumstances did I want to roll the dice with a different judge at a later date.

We finished, having spent over half an hour in session, and I took my seat awaiting the certain bad news.  After 20 minutes of nail biting, my name was called.  The room was emptying out.  I was charged $475.00 for two violations in total.   Compared to the past, this was a steal, perhaps a sign of things to come for 2011. As I made the line to pay, the clerk said, here’s your “A”, and handed me a card with the large all important letter.   I looked at it and felt relief, and then nothing.  Someone congratulated me and I replied that I had paid for it, like everyone else.

I have had a couple of days to reflect on the entire journey to this “A” rating.  I have many opinions and feel mystified by the whole process, but the important points still ring loudly in my head.  The system is designed so that owners are basically in the dark about compliance and are set up to pay large fines to feed this form of stealth tax.  No one without a law degree could possibly read the code and interpret it.  It must be streamlined into a viable general checklist to follow fairly.  If violations are genuinely corrected, why must the owners still pay fines?  The judging system is set up so that the continuity of fairness varies from judge to judge.  A panel would be better served in the name of fairness.

Ultimately, the system needs to be changed so that the DOH and owners work collaboratively to maintain clean and safe environments for the public.

A seminar and certificate on a “checklist” of what owners need to comply with before opening should be offered.  This is different than the food protection certificate.  For example, if I were instructed that if I buy bread from some place else, the nutritional info needs to be included and displayed for the public.

A checklist should be created for owners and inspectors that can be used for keeping the establishments to code.

If violations are assessed and the owner can show correction, no fines should be assessed.  This can be verified by inspector visit using the checklist.

One judge is not enough for fair assessment.  Three should be used.

All of these moves would help to show faith in small business economy and keep the integrity of New York in tact.

I would like to thank all who have supported me throughout my upcoming three years of operation, and a special thanks to those who contacted and helped me personally in relation to solving my problems with the DOH.

A prosperous and healthy New Year for all.

Chef Mateo

The Chef

The Big Picture

In the continuing struggle to  bring fairness to the DOH grading system policy, I have shared some of my frustrations on this blog and recently to the Wall Street Journal whose numbers cannot be refuted.

Restaurant Owners Feeling Taxed by Grading –

I would like to add to the story, and be very clear as to my intentions for bringing the problems restaurant owners are facing to light.

There absolutely needs to be a city agency responsible for the health, safety and welfare of the public in all dining establishments, big or small, from street vendors to caterers, bars, cafes and restaurants.  My issue with the DOH is that by definition of its practices, there is little useful collaboration between the two parties, owners and the DOH.

It is redundant, but important to review the process in brief.  An inspector walks into an establishment, chooses at his/her discretion possible violations that is targeted and written up.  There is a complicated point system that a law degree couldn’t help one decipher.  The owner is given a court date, spends an entire day in a room with other owners, and is summoned to a private room before a judge who tapes and listens as owner addresses each violation.  The judge sends owner back to the waiting room and after a long wait (minimum of one half hour), owner receives a bill, from $200. to $2000. per violation regardless if the violations were corrected and proven so.  Owner has one month to pay and can only appeal after payment.

Each inspector has his/her own agenda in terms of what violations to assess, and each judge doles out fines at his/her own discretion.  Expediters who make money by handling this process for the owners for a substantial fee know which judges are preferable and more lenient.

If the goal of the DOH is the safety and welfare of the public, why isn’t there any cooperation between owner and agency?  If a violation is corrected, why must the owner still pay a fine?

All I am saying is that a system can be implemented to bring a restaurant up to code before it opens, as well as maintain cleanliness and safety throughout its operation.  Owners who refuse to comply can be fined heavily or shut down.

I am willing to be part of the process for change and I can’t imagine other restaurant owners don’t feel the same way.  If the mayor and the city claim they are all for small businesses, then the current practices at the DOH is a good place to start.

I would like to thank all of those who have supported me in my quest for positive change.

Chef Mateo

Experiences The Chef

Boss Tweed

Let me apologize by stating that it has been difficult for me to continue blogging on a regular basis.  Last week I read Saignee’s powerful entry questioning his career choice to become a blogger and it gave me a lot of food for thought.

The transition to the food and wine industry was not so obvious to me at first. At the ripe old age of twenty three, armed with a dangerous english lit. degree from City College of NY, I took a teaching job in the NYC Public Schools and learned the craft of teaching.  Special Education in the South Bronx and East Harlem for teenagers (7th & 8th Graders) for thirteen long years.  About eight years into my tour, I wanted a change.  But what?  How could I give up on a pension, good vacation time and a noble profession?  Checking my own self-assessed talent barometer, I was good at food and wine, or at the very least had a passion for it.

So it took five years of positioning myself to leave, downsizing expenses, leaving the Board of Ed., saving money, cashing in my accrued pension, private catering, and lots of luck (with the right people mostly).  I started writing a cookbook, and got a job revamping a wine and food program at an old Spanish establishment, La Nacional. I managed, cooked some, and initiated a wine program.  After a year and a half, I partnered with same owner and two other partners to open Ostia in the West Village.  I built that business from the ground up.  But I was not savvy enough to remain when one of the partners got greedy, and left to open my own spot, Pata Negra.

I have blogged about the trials and tribulations of opening a small business in NYC, the joys and the frustrations.  I am coming up on three years now, way past survival point.  But it is now that I am at a crossroads again.

There are many elements that are discouraging me, and an analysis requires brutal honesty.  First, an informal identification of what I see as the problems of my business.

Despite what people may think, the restaurant business is not a cash cow, although I know many owners who do well for a variety of reasons.  With respect to my business, I am simply having trouble making money.  Blame the economy, people are just not spending as much money any more or going out as frequently.  Except that I go out to eat and drink quite often and always assert that some place, somewhere in NYC is full right now.

Why?  Part of it is press and public relations, part of it concept, location, and a bunch of other reasons.  I am located on a street with cheap Thai food, Motorino Pizza and Mac-N-Cheese.  I am not knocking my fellow establishments.  In fact they offer great quality product for their clientele.  But my petite wine bar is very specific, an idea based on the way I like to eat, a few slices of great ham, daily house made tortilla, some simple shrimp in pimenton and garlic, a few cheeses and a reasonable wine list.  No fried food? Patatas Bravas? Three different flavors of sangria? No TV? This is not how New Yorkers dine.  It is even less how NYUers dine.  Concept for location – mistake.

Some will point to other successful wine bars in the nabe, Terroir – press machine, Bar Carrera and Veloce – on the avenue (2nd) and been around for ages.  Who walks out of their way to 12th street to consume the world’s most luxurious and expensive ham?  They don’t even have a real kitchen! What?  Shut up! Please!

I should have opened a gastro pub with good well known bar food, a flat screen in every room, including the bathroom, and the interior design of the Breslin.  God knows what was I thinking.

But I persevere.  I have garnered a few regulars and very appreciative clients.  My friends and family have been a constant support in every way (emotionally and financially).  I would say that ninety percent of the customers who come through Pata Negra’s door get “it”, while the remainder is disappointed on some level.  Pata Negra customers know I serve the best ham in the city and use only the highest quality Spanish products I can get my hands on.  My goal is to execute those products 100% of the time, understanding that I fall short sometimes.

My staff has been with me since my days at Ostia.  Service first.  Pata Negra is an extension of my living room.  Spanish cuisine and wine education available when asked.  Chris has taken many wine courses and traveled through Europe extensively. She also provides the Williamsburg cool factor.  Gaspar is from Alicante and knows what Spanish food is supposed to taste like.  He also fills the gaps in terms of any questions on Spanish culture.  I live and breathe all things Spanish and love my job as owner and bon vivant at Pata Negra.

Where do I go next?  The cookbook has stalled.  Call it writer’s block or lack of enthusiasm over the fact that a comprehensive guide to Haitian cuisine is not gonna line the shelves at Wal-Mart.  TV shows?  I’ve auditioned for a few.  Hard racket to break into.  Open another restaurant.  Ah that would require capital, which brings me to my complaints/lack of understanding/status quo.

The Department of Health has been on a witch hunt.  I understand the need for transparency with its newly implemented grading system, and further agree with the best conditions for public safety.  But make no mistake about it, the DOH agenda is about making money for the city, period.  Every day at 66 John Street, hundreds of owners are crammed into a stuffy room with a 10:00 am appointment summons to testify against all of the violations heaped upon their respective businesses during the latest visit from a DOH inspector.  The owners are iced all morning; on my latest appointment I arrived before 10 am and was seen at 3:30 pm, all for an opportunity to be heard by a “judge”, whose qualifications are suspect. The owners are called like cattle into a room with the “judge”.  A tape recorder is turned on, the owner speaks, and then the “judge” sends the owner back into the lion’s den awaiting some 45 minutes for a verdict.  The verdict is an average of $2000. in fines.  There are hundreds of owners there per day.  Do the math. $$$$

That’s the cost of doing business.  This has become my favorite go to expression for unforeseeable, necessary expenses and costs that a business commands.  The DOH paid me a visit in February.  Fine, $2000.  I fixed the violations.  Then they paid me a visit in October and I received 17 points which amounts to a “B” rating (13 or less for an “A”).  The Inspector said he was sending me another inspector in a couple of weeks.  He stated that I had a potential for an “A” if I fixed certain violations. Four weeks later another inspector came in and fined me 21 points for completely different violations.  She awarded me a “B” with a grade pending, meaning that another inspector will be paying me a visit in the next month as well.

Will an inspector be coming once a month to be assessing fines until I receive an “A”?  Is my business an ATM for the city?  There is only one word for this assault – usury.  The city needs money and knows how and where to get it from.

A good question would be, “what were these violations,” and “why couldn’t some of them be dismissed?”  Even if you have a viable explanation for the violations or show that they have been corrected, you will still be fined.  Oh, I forgot the system.  If you hire a person who has experience (and by that I mean an expediter who has a relationship with certain judges) he can go to court and represent you and somehow ask for a certain judge, thereby guaranteeing some violations to be reduced or dismissed.  Get the picture.  If you know a knowledgeable attorney or expediter and pay them, they can reduce your fines.  Meaning all judges are not using the same standards for everyone.

My last court date, I decided against going through the entire humiliating process of waiting only to be heard and fined.  The DOH gives owners this option: Pay without a hearing in advance and the bill is discounted 10%, but relinquish your rights to argue the fines in the future.  I woke up on my own time, had an espresso, paid $1000. in advance and went home, distraught but not drained from a day of hell and usury.  Total tally so far – $3000.

I thought this was over.  Then another inspector walks in….

This is the pattern, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.  There isn’t a single establishment in the city of New York where a violation cannot be uncovered.  Heck I was in a Chinatown kitchen the other day that brandished a big fat “A” rating.  If that place received an “A”, I’d like that inspector to head over to my establishment.

Inspectors are instructed to fine, and judges are instructed to collect, kind of like the unspoken policy policemen have for doling out vehicular tickets.  Sure there is no quota.  I have cops for friends too.  That’s why towards the end of every month, tickets go up exponentially.

Here is my suggestion for fixing this corrupt system.

  1. Before an establishment opens, two inspectors come to the establishment and run through a checklist of possible violations that need to be addressed before opening.  Then just before business opens, they return to make sure the work was accomplished to a 80% – 100% satisfactory level.  Assign an “A “or “B” rating accordingly
  2. Six months later, two more inspectors come in with a checklist.  Violations are noted.  A timetable is given to the owner, at least one month, to fix the violations.  Inspectors return one month to six weeks later to assess the corrections.  If violations remain, the owner is assigned a summons to appear in court to show progress and be assessed fines.
  3. Rating may be up or down graded according to status.
  4. DOH food operation licence is currently $280.  The fee should increase to $750. to cover some of the lost revenue.
  5. At court, a team of three judges should be available for each case.  Appointments should be adhered to within a two hour window.  Appeals can be made without paying first, contrary to the way it works at present.

In terms of all the violations assigned to my establishment, some of them made perfect sense, while others were completely false.  Regardless, if you draw the wrong judge, you will have to pay the fines.

If it were just the DOH on my back, I would be okay.  The cost of doing business.  But late this summer I got a letter in the mail assessing a two year bill for an increase in real estate taxes.  As per my lease, I am liable for 20% of any real estate tax increase levied on the property from which I rent a space to do business.  Someone please explain to me how in this economy, the property value of the building has gone up that much.  That for 2009 and 2010, I am now liable for $15,000. in tax increases!  Really!  In this economy.  Oh, I understand, the city needs money, let’s raise property taxes.  Who does these real estate assessments?  What is the magic formula for one building versus the next?  The cost gets passed on to the landlord, and then passed on to the small business owner.  Pay or close.

I am weakening just a bit here, but the final coup de grace may come from the NYS Worker’s Compensation Board.  This state agency exists to ensure worker’s safety and rights in case of work related accident or injury, and is another governing body with endless red tape and agenda of extracting as much money as possible from business.  When you open a restaurant, according to the payroll, you pay money to the NYSWCB.  During my third year of business, this agency sent me a letter tripling my fees.  I made several attempts to ask why the increase, and the best answer I could get was that they were basing the fees on a payroll of a million dollar a year business.  I wish!  I’d gladly pay those fees!

After I explained several times with the agents that I have two full time employees worth of hours, they demanded an audit.  I welcomed them down for a visit to my enormous 24 seat wine bar manned by two people.  The agency dragged the audit for six months, and finally realized they were overcharging me all along, and attempted to overcharge me further. After they recognized their errror, I was refunded money, and they adjusted my percentage due.  However, in the meanwhile, the agency canceled my policy, and are now trying to charge me $2000. per every ten days without coverage for a total of $20,000!  They attempted to overcharge me, they dragged the audit, they canceled my policy, and now they are trying to collect 20 large.  I am sure at some point I will be up against a “judge” to plead my case.  What do you think the outcome of that will be?  The best part is that I could not renew my food operation licence (owner’s are required to list worker’s comp as additionally insured) so when an inspector came in, I was fined a violation of $1000 for an expired permit.  The “judge” was unsympathetic to my dilemma.  Great surprise.

Where does all this great misfortune leave me.  It leaves me wondering if I have the stamina for this “business”.  It gives me cause for testing my resolve and conviction in this profession.  I am very worried about my future.  It weakens any faith I had in government.  I left the Board of Ed because the government kept sticking their nose in trying to run our city’s school system like a corporation.  Now I’ve run into a larger juggernaut of a bureaucracy. Perhaps our esteemed mayor should change the rules and run for a fourth term.  He says he is for small business.  Count the amount of small business on your block versus bank ATMs, pharmacies, and Starbuck’s.  As long as they can pay the tax increases, right?

I know that many people fail at business, sometimes several times before they become successful. I could try to survive, wait it out, and live to fight another day.  The question remains.  Do I really want to?  Thanksgiving is a time for reflection, and I am thankful for so many things, especially these three years, but will providence shine down and restore my lack of faith?

Time will reveal what my next moves will be.  In the meanwhile, come down for a plate of ham, while supplies and my stamina last.

Drinking Eating Experiences Food The Chef Travel Wine

My kind of town…Chicago is…

On a recent trip to Chicago, I was more than pleasantly surprised to find a food, beer and wine destination thriving with culinary excellence, with some restaurants even more exciting than the scene in New York City.  On past trips to Chicago, I have explored steak houses and deep dish pizza joints, street hot dogs, great Mexican fare and solid pubs.

But the focus was on the new and noteworthy this time around, and I have added three new restos to my expanding list of Chicago eateries and bars.

On Friday night, I snatched an early table at Publican in the West Loop, essentially a beer hall with gastro fare.  Large paintings of plump pigs adorn the walls, wooden stable doors enclose the booths, surrounding long communal wooden seating and central standing room only bar, flanked by the open kitchen, attractive and engaging.  The crowd is hip, the ambiance ebullient, the staff knowledgeable and laid back.

Start off with the oysters, pristine and paired perfectly with the extensive beer list.  On to crudo and pork rinds, which if were sold in Harlem would cause a riot, fluffy, puffy, piment d’esplette accented – they are my latest obsession and addiction.

The next beer was a Flemish offering called Monk’s Cafe, an eye opener and versatile for the courses to follow.  The highlight is a ham chop in hay, thrice cooked via sous vide and open fire.  I am not sure what hay tastes like, but the smoky, meaty chop had a woodsy aroma and was succulent, decadent and dreamy.  I had tickets to see Carmen at the Lyric, otherwise I would never have left my table until I’d sampled all the beers.

The next night was a follow upscale sleek temple called Blackbird, a multiple James Beard award winner helmed by chef Paul Kahan.  At the bar, I sipped a perfect Manhattan and bourbon sidecar, then sat down to the tight row seating thrilled by the menu at hand.

I chose a versatile wine with the help of Christopher Nostvick, the sommelier, who shared with me that he would be adding Italian wines to the French and American dominated wine list. Les Heritiers de Comte Lafon Macon-Mully Lamartine 2007 was up to the task.  Garbanzo bean soup with falafel, pickled asian pear, caramelized egg yolk and sumac was the starter, a hint of Chef Kahan’s style, great ingredients, superbly presented and cooked with scintillating accents seemingly out of left field.  The garbanzos were creamy, make that double creamy with the egg yolk, the falafel playfully crunchy.  The whole time sumac lingers causing pasue for thought and discovery.

Coffee-scented fluke tartare with lemon cucumber, saffron, and bread sauce was up next, cooling the news that the Yankees were getting beat up, again showing a creative hand using coffee and saffron, an unusually thought provoking affair.

Roasted hudson valley foie gras with charred green garlic, black garlic, preserved plums and shrimp salt followed, the two garlics misleading me into thinking I had never tasted foie gras before.

The main courses were solid but less interesting, an aged peking duck breast with illinois chanterelles (who knew?), haricots verts and brown butter worcestershire  and a classic grilled berkshire pork loin with caramelized white chocolate, beets, plums and sea beans.   This was washed down nicely with a towering glass of  Bressy Rasteau 2005.

Some local cheeses to follow and an espresso for the next leg of the evening.

A cab ride to the Violet Hour, Chicago version speakeasy, with a line and much hullabaloo at the door.  I spoke to George the doorman and scored a table towards the rear.  It felt more lounge than speakeasy, with spacious ceilings and seating areas, soft hues and cool music.  I went for classics, mint julep, sidecar etc. and before I knew it 3 am rolled around and I had been lost in time.  I contemplated the Wiener Circle for some good old fashioned abuse, but was rerouted by sleep and a dream of brucnh at Bongo Bongo.

The line for Bongo was an hour wait, and if not for Bears tickets, I would have queued up.  Instead I settled for a trattoria, stadium beers and a healthy anticipation for my final destination before my flight back to the Empire state, the Girl and the Goat.

After a bit of schlepping, back to the hotel, bag retrieval, ride to the restaurant, etc.  we sat down at the bar at 4:30 pm because the place was booked solid at five.  The Girl and the Goat is captained by the only female Top Chef Season 4 winner Stephanie Izard, who was actually there managing the kitchen on a Sunday!

Situated in the West Loop, an apparent hub for new and hip restaurants, this enormous space is dark, almost Gothic in tone.  At the rear is the open kitchen, half staffed by female cooks.  All were young and hip looking, operating seriously and orderly.

After some more delicious local beer, we opted for a Nigl Gruner Veltliner, a great producer and expression of the grape.  The menu is divided into three sections, meat, vegetable, and fish and all plates are meant to be shared.

The meal began with ethereal pretzel bread, and fried watch hills atop egg salad and capers.  Then hiramasu crudo and green beans in fish sauce.

We ended with goat, pork and veal sugo pappardelle, falling off the bone tender, laced  with goose berries popping with each bite.  Then a sort of breakfast dish of wood oven roasted pig face, a mishmash of pig face parts formed into a patty, draped by a  sunny side egg, spiced with tamarind and cilantro with a side of  potato stix.  I’ll have to come back for the goat loin, beef tongue, and lamb shank.

The restaurant reminds me of Momufuku and Ssam bar of NYC, in terms of menu design and concept, except that the star is the goat, and the service and ambience is friendly, minus the attitude.  The food is quite good, although sometimes heavy on the sauces.  I feel chef is still finding her way, but I appreciate the direction she is going.  I look forward to checking in on the Goat on my next visit.

Blue line to O’Hare, the inevitable two hour delay, then the rerouting of our plane to JFK, as well as the dreams of pork rinds sure to haunt me for the rest of the week leading up to Halloween.  I can’t help thinking that the food scene there is just as alive as it is at home, maybe even brighter on the count of ingenuity.

Sing on Sinatra.

Drinking Eating Experiences Food The Chef Travel Wine

El Bulli

There are meals that transcend memory in one’s life, an experience that lingers and transports, leaving an indelible mark on one’s food soul.  The reverberations that ensue are subtle, then profound, then life-changing.

This past summer I was extremely blessed to be offered an invitation to El Bulli, a gastronomic mecca, a mathematical impossibility, a convergence of providence and good fortune, reinforcing the adage, “It’s who you know.”

So, as part of my yearly summer road trip in La Patria (Spain), El Bulli was to be the culinary crowning highlight.

The restaurant is located near the seaside town of Roses in northeastern Spain along the Costa Brava.  After a day of cloudbursting in the sunshine, a van arrived to pick up the party because driving to El Bulli is treacherous, even for the natives.

A very integral component to the dining experience of your lifetime is who is in attendance.  This aspect is almost more important than the actual food and wine.  Maria Jose of LDH, joined by her US business manager Monica, El Capitan (my road warrior), and DJ (an old time road warrior wine biz friend of El Cap) rounded out the crew.  All of us are in the industry, and appreciate the magnitude of the affair.

El Bulli sits high on the cliff facing the ocean.  After a trip to the kitchen and pictures with chef Ferran Adria and Jules Solner, we are led to a patio where I am transed by the sounds of crashing waves beneath us.  Sea air fills the skies, and the sun begins its natural descent.  We settle in, and all nervousness and excitement is met with a bottle of Gosset Grande Reserve Champagne – it was like drinking the foam from the restless waters.  The first two courses were some play on cocktails, fueling anticipation.  Then an enormous egg shell made out of gorgonzola arrives to the table, with fresh nutmeg shavings.  We are instructed to burst in with our hands, the egg shell cool to the touch and so mind-opening, truly we were a part of a circus of food, and what a wondrous show we were in for.  A few more courses and then the spherical green olives, not so much a dish as a concept, a turning of a pure food item on its head, a liquid orgasm of olive essence, a sphere that danced on the spoon and the tongue before conceding to internal pressure, liquefying in the mouth while exploding in the mind.  It was the only course that we received two of, the secondary olives were housed in a glass aquarium for us to fish.  I am still living in those olives.

I am not sure when, still in an olive daze, but we were ushered indoors, a hacienda like aerie with scarce twenty five patrons scattered about in privacy, soothing white walls and wooden beams with stony floors and vistas of the night blue sky.  We are seated at a table designed for a large party, exceptionally homey for five.  We move on to a Corton Les Vergennes Cuvee Paul Chanson 2005, a nice Grand Cru effort, begging the question on how we are going to pair wine with the extensive menu and myriad of flavors.  Maria Jose took care of this, generously gifting her wines from cellar, white and red, with the theme for selection based on birth years present at the table.  Vina Tondonia Gran Reserva ’57, ’61, & ’70 for white, ’47,’54,’64 for red (some Bosconia), throwing in 2000 (rosado), 2001 & 2005 (tinto) for tasting.  The elegance of these fine aged wines elevated the meal to a stratospherical level. There were intermittents, 1964 Oloroso by Gonzlez Byass and Hidalgo Pascada Pastrana manzanilla, and a finishing wine of PX Solera 1830 by Alvear.  You could imagine how many wine glasses we were surrounded by.

It was a real task to take a photo before eating every dish, and I managed admirably, only eating part of a gamba before snapping a shot.  Many dishes could serve as the highlight of any meal, and some begged bewilderment, puzzling analysis, and folly.  A baguette made out of meringue filled with angula (eel) liver is still on the tip of my tongue’s memory.  Tuna bonito broth French Pressed in a bodum, se anemone, sea urchin, and sea eel to name a few.  There were no meat courses, save for a hare broth, deep and intense.  There were 38 courses in all.

Morphings, a box of chocolates in a dizzying array of flavors and scents, accompanied by tea cut from fresh leaves brought tableside finalized the sweetness portion of the program, followed by a digestivo back on the patio where it all began.  A quick glance at the clock struck 3 am, time lost from a 9 pm start time.

What did we discuss? Friendship, love, generosity, and of course food and wine, the universal elements that binds us all, without which the world would be a less magical space.  Life holds in store for us moments, simple and grandiose, with dear friends and family, filling for us that space in our hearts, minds and stomachs.

canas:mojito - cipirinha
almendra-fizz con amarena-LYO
globo de gorgonzola
cereza umeboshi
galleta de tomate/profiterol de remolacha y yogur
aceitunas verdes sfericas-I
cacahuetes mimeticos
tortilla de crustaceos
esponja de coco
galleta de te
canape de jamon y gengibre
crema de caviar con caviar de avellana y su tartaleta
langostino hervido
gambas dos cocciones
helado de parmegiano modena, albahaca y fresa-LYO
shabu shabu de pinones
ceviche de almeja y kalanchoe
coctel de ceviche y almejas
taco de oaxaca
rosas alcachofas
tortilla de anemone
espardenas en sashimi con caviar de aceite
bocadillo de anguila
abalone con panceta
nem thai de pollo
jugo de liebre con gele-cru manzana al casis
hojaldre de pina
marshmallow de chocolate
rose de manzana
Havana Club
wines of R.Lopez de Heredia